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世界で最も見られている海外ドラマシリーズ「CSI : 科学捜査班」シーズン9が Huluで放送開始!

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「CSI:科学捜査班」は、全米で2番目の規模を誇る科学捜査機関という設定であるラスベガスを舞台に、ラスベガス市警科学捜査班(CSI=Crime Scene Investigationの略)所属の捜査官たちが、最新科学を駆使した捜査技術でさまざまな凶悪犯罪を解明していく姿を描いたドラマです。
ハリウッドを代表する大物プロデューサー、ジェリー・ブラッカイマーが製作総指揮を担当し、「法医学を学ぶ学生が増えた」「犯罪者が現場に証拠を残さなくなった」など、“CSI効果(CSI Effect)”と呼ばれる社会現象を生むほどに成長した「CSI:科学捜査班」。シーズン9では、キャストの半分が入れ換わったり、通算200話という記念すべきエピソードを迎えたりと、大きな転換時期を迎える注目のシーズンです。ぜひHuluでお楽しみください。

The most watched TV drama series in the world “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” Season 9 now available on Hulu!

Hulu is now offering Season 9 of “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” the popular American drama series which premiered in 2000!
“CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” is a drama series which follows Las Vegas Police Department forensic scientists (known as “Crime Scene Investigators”) who solve the most heinous crimes by using the latest forensic techniques.
Produced by Hollywood mega-producer Jerry Bruckheimer, the series has become so popular that it has caused a social phenomenon known as the “CSI Effect” in the U.S. as there was an increase in students studying forensic pathology and also less criminals who left marks at the spots where the crime actually took place. Season 9 of CSI is a memorable season for the series as many of the cast members who play the main roles have changed. CSI also reached its 200th episode in Season 9. Enjoy!
Geoffrey Bossiere, Interim Managing Director, Hulu Japan